Spring Is in Bloom! Embrace the Season with These Joint Health Tips.

Spring Is in Bloom! Embrace the Season with These Joint Health Tips.

Fresh air, longer days, balmy weather—spring is the season of outdoor action!

Enjoy every minute by stocking up on joint health supplements and following our tips for staying safe as you ramp up your active lifestyle.   

Support Your Joints 

Osteo Bi-Flex® supplements are crafted to help support joint health and mobility*—so consider adding our products to your springtime routine. Along with other lifestyle changes, taking a joint health supplement is a great way to maintain joint comfort and help support joint mobility (or movement) during your favorite warm-weather activities.*  

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Spring into Action 

Kick off a season of joyful movement with these tips for supporting joint health and comfort this spring: 

  • Start smart. Especially if you’ve been less active over the winter, ease into springtime activities to avoid injury. 
  • Get into gear. Whether it’s comfy sneakers or a supportive knee brace, gear up with whatever you need to move freely.  
  • Flex first. Add stretching to your spring routine to keep your muscles and ligaments flexible—so they can help support your joints. 
  • Try something new. Low-impact exercises for joint health, like cycling or outdoor yoga, are the perfect ways to get moving this spring. 
  • Rest up. After an action-packed day, know when it’s time to kick back, recover, and enjoy spring from the comfort of your hammock!  

Stock Up for Spring 

With plenty of sunny days coming your way, don’t wait to stock up on joint health supplements so you have the support you want to embrace the season.* You can purchase Osteo Bi-Flex® online or at a store near you. Use our store locator to find your nearest retailer—then, head out and enjoy the warm weather! 

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*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. 
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